Some recommendations for using blog explosion
If you join Blog explosion, I recommend that you add a poll to your sidebar for blog explosion surfers that asks surfers to let you know if they're visiting through blog explosion. Why? It's a good way to see how many blog explosion surfers are reading your blog. Also, you may want to ask if them to comment also. So you might want to have a post that asks this. Leave a link on your sidebar to the permalink to this post. That way, it'll be visible from your front page.
Even if you don't plan on surfing to gain credits, it's worthwhile to join blog explosion just for its directory. The directory is better than most. It provides many interesting stats including number of visitors to your blog, number who bookmarked your blog through blog explosions "blogmark" feature, and the average rating given by those who visited through blog explosion. But like most blog directories, don't expect much traffic by just listing your blog there.
Even if you don't plan on surfing to gain credits, it's worthwhile to join blog explosion just for its directory. The directory is better than most. It provides many interesting stats including number of visitors to your blog, number who bookmarked your blog through blog explosions "blogmark" feature, and the average rating given by those who visited through blog explosion. But like most blog directories, don't expect much traffic by just listing your blog there.